Managing your Accounts Payable can be time consuming, manual and costly. Errors and faulty reports due to incorrect figures, late payment penalties and the month end crunch. Perhaps now is the time to consider automating your AP process and improving your bottom line with visibility and clarity of payments in real-time.
Merit Professional Services understands the challenges of cash-flow visibility, compliance, reporting and errors. With our Invoice Automation Platform you can automate manual, repetitive tasks to streamline and accelerate end-to-end invoice processing, reduce handling defects and improve exception management, enabling you to take better control of your AP and more effectively balance out the departmental workload. At the same time, see a significant reduction in running costs for your AP department.
Our unique cloud based platform enables your staff to raise purchase orders and approve invoices from anywhere in the world.
By eliminating the manual processing of invoices, we can help your business save money by helping to repurpose your team to more valuable tasks, all whilst ensuring you remain GDPR compliant and reach your Making Tax Digital deadlines.